Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Playing in the dirt...

"Too low they build who build beneath the stars."

God's been teaching me a lot lately. I've been challenged by my mentor Shannon to not only do my devos every night as usual, but journal all of my thoughts EVERY night, not just when something significant sticks out. Its been GREAT!!! I find that when I start writing out my thoughts, I realize that God is trying to teach me more than I first thought! Lately, I'm seeing through journaling that I'm allowing myself to settle for my struggles in the valley when there are great mountains I should be climbing. I want to go farther with my walk, I want to be "complete" with my faith, but how can I when I'm so afraid of leaving the places I'm most comfortable? How can God do His complete work in me if I'm too scared to scale His mountain? Its not like I'm going to fall anywhere but in His arms... L.B. Cowman says this, "I am convinced that many believeers suffer in a dungeon when they could walk on a palace roof." How true!!

I think that sometimes I'm afraid of taking off on ventures that seem risky. Putting my complete and ultimate trust in God can be frightening at times, but why? There is nothing about Satan that I should be scared about. Satan is not omniscent, he's not omnipotent, and he's not omnipresent.... But our God is!

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33


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